An English word game where you need to find the connecting words!

Type a word following these rules, so that you form a connection:

- The first letter matches the last letter of a word on the left.

-The last letter matches the first letter of a word on the right.

Words need to be in the dictionary!


Made in 2 hours and 35 minutes for Trijam 162 (Theme: "Its All Connected"). Some situations may be impossible, for example words ending in a "Q". Was going to implement a 'reroll' mechanic, and expand the game time, but I was pretty happy with finishing in time. For game developers, I suggest looking at the WordGameDict shown below if you want help making word games.


WordGameDict by buddingmonkey

Collins Scrabble Dictionary for a more complete list of words

Font "Caslon Antique" by Typographer Mediengestaltung

Sound (multiple FX) by Juhani Junkala -

Music "Puzzle Game 3" by Eric Matyas 

Art "Newspaper Image" by Stockvault

Made in Unity

The rest - Toby Kellaway

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